To the that the class were in high spirits heading off to Newgrange Farm on Tuesday morning would be something of an understatement! We got settled on the bus and after endless rounds of Baby Shark being sung, we arrived at the farm. We started off playing in tunnels and in the sand area with all of the diggers. We fed goats, lambs and the chickens. We saw lots of different types of hens and turkeys. We fed the geese and went on the tractor trailer ride. Thankfully we survived the haybale maze without tears or injuries - which is miraculous! We got to hold 2 day old chicks and some kittens. The picnic area was lovely for a middle of the day rest and most importantly, there was no rain until we got back on the bus for home. At this point, around 10 of the children promptly fell asleep!
We look forward to more tours next year!
We look forward to more tours next year!