The school is proud to participate and compete in many different competitions and schemes. Below is a summary of just some of them.
Green Flag - We are proud holders of five Green Flags, the most recent awarded to us being Bio-Diversity. Other flags the children have earned include Litter & Waste, Water, Energy, and Travel. It has been lots of work but the children have learned so much and really enjoyed the Green Flag challenges and experience.
Discover Primary Science - We take part in this every year, holding over a dozen separate awards for our participation in this scheme, which promotes and rewards excellence in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM). We also received a special award to mark our tenth successive Science Foundation Ireland Plaque of STEM Excellence.
Friendship Week - This is an important event to promote the role of friendship and fraternity in the school. Every year we raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves during this week, and take part in activities and discussions involving friendship and what it means to be a friend.
National Spring Clean - This year we are taking part in this in April, to ensure our local environs stay clean and attractive. This promotes and encourages pride in our locality and neighbourhood, and highlights the importance of working together to make our environment a better place.
INTO Handwriting Competition - Every child takes part in this and the top three from each class are chosen and their work displayed and commended.
Fundraising From time to time we fund raise for various worthy causes, holding such events as Jersey Days and no-uniform days, or holding other specific collections. This fosters a spirit of concern and altruism in children and encourages them to think of others less fortunate than themselves,